Due to the ongoing state of shock and emotion in Denver over the tragedy at Columbine High School, the rally organizers at [http://www.WeBelieveJuanita.com] have decided to cancel the "Take Back the White House" rally. Below is the official statement from those at http://www.WeBelieveJuanita.com
We have made the decision to cancel our rally on April 24. The city of Denver is in a state of shock and we have the horrific knowledge that there will be 15 funerals in this city in the coming days.

This was indeed a difficult decision for us, as most of us believe that the issues which have organized us on a grassroots level are intricately connected to the events which took place in our city this week. When high officials are allowed to "get away" with crimes and are cheered for it, we know that there is a deep crisis of values in this country.

Because this happened so close to home, and the entire city is in mourning and grief, we feel a responsibility to our community to cancel this event. We will continue to support others in cities around the country and maintain our website to communicate with all of you.

We had about 600 wonderful bumper stickers made for this event. One says "IT TAKES A VILLAGE TO STOP A RAPIST" and another, "WE BELIEVE JUANITA".

For a donation of your choosing and a stamped-self addressed envelope, we will send you one of these bumper stickers. You can send it to:

We Believe Juanita
PO Box 100472
Denver, Colorado 80205-0472

Thank you so much for your continued support, and we ask that you continue to remain active in your community. Let's not ignore any of the victims. As I have said before, No party, denomination, or group has a monopoly on ethics, integrity or truth. We Believe Juanita is a testimony to that. Never has it been more important to stand united for those things instead of divided against so much else.

Our deepest hopes and prayers for all the victims of injustice and violence that is pervading our culture.
In vigilance and in peace,

K. Kataline We Believe Juanita