AGE: 44. Somewhere between a Birkenstock girl and menopause. POLITICAL AFFILIATION: Republican HOBBIES: Traveling, cooking (French & Italian) and reading. POLITICAL PET PEEVE: Whining feminist leaders. POLITICIANS I'D VOTE FOR AGAIN: Ronald Reagan FAVORITE MOVIE: The 1945 Oscar Winner for Best Picture "The Best Years of Our Lives" FAVORITE MUSIC: Music from the late 60's and 70's. MY ASPIRATIONS: To get my book published. To work for a conservative women's think tank. Somewhere in my future to live in Italy for 3 months out of the year. MY TAKE ON ABORTION: Abortion has been a moral plight on our country. It diminishes the sanctity of human life and that of women. The practice of abortion has not freed women, but enslaved them to violence against themselves and their children. Lastly, it has given men to freedom to walk away without consequence for their unborn children. MY TAKE ON CONSERVATISM: Russell Kirk put it best when he said, "...conservatism is a way of looking at the human condition. The conservative impulse is a man's desire to walk in the paths that his father followed; it is a woman's desire for the sureties of hearth and home." ROLE MODELS: My role model and hero is Margaret Thatcher. I met her 2 years ago and have not forgotten the experience. She is truly a woman who had it all; just not all at the same time. WEB SITE: I have the space and my webmaster is endeavoring to put it together. WEB SITE: E-MAIL: Joyce's Articles: