Is it murder, and is it safe?

By Cheri Jackson
Featured Rightgrrl February 1999
August 1, 1999

First degree murder occurs when one human being takes the life of another human being, deliberately and with planning. The "pro-choice" movement says that abortion is not murder because the 'fetus' is not a human being. Is an unborn child a human being, or is it a "lump of cells"?

What is a human being? Is a fetus a human being? A human being is a unique individual, with 46 chromosomes, and it's own individual DNA pattern. The human egg and sperm each have 23 chromosomes. When the sperm fertilizes the egg, these chromosomes join and create a unique individual. At this point all characteristics (sex, hair color, eye color, etc.) of this human being have been determined. The outward form of a human being may not be recognizable by the naked eye, but, if someone were to map the DNA at this point, they would find a unique human DNA pattern. Does this not fit the definition of human life? Even doctors agree that human life exists at this stage.

"The changes occurring between implantation, a six-weeks embryo, a six-months fetus, a one-week- old child, or a mature adult are merely stages of development and maturation. "The majority of our group could find no point in time between the union of sperm and egg, or at least the blastocyst stage, and the birth of the infant at which point we could say that this was not a human life." Willke & Willke, Handbook on Abortion, (1971, 1975, 1979 Editions), Ch. 3, Cincinnati: Hayes Publishing Co.

If that isn't convincing enough for the average person, lets look at some of the stages of development. The heart beats at 18 days, and is pumping blood by 21 days. The eyes, ears, and respiratory system all start to develop at 4 weeks. At 6 to 8 weeks the baby starts to move inside the womb. Brainwaves can be measured at about 5 weeks. At 8 weeks all body systems are present, you can hear a heartbeat, and the baby is recognizable as a human being to the naked eye.

"Eleven years ago, while giving an anesthetic for a ruptured tubal pregnancy (at two months), I was handed what I believed to be the smallest human being ever seen. The embryo sac was intact and transparent. Within the sac was a tiny (one-third inch) human male swimming extremely vigorously in the amniotic fluid, while attached to the wall by the umbilical cord. This tiny human was perfectly developed with long, tapering fingers, feet and toes. It was almost transparent as regards the skin, and the delicate arteries and veins were prominent to the ends of the fingers.

"The baby was extremely alive and swam about the sac approximately one time per second with a natural swimmers stroke. This tiny human did not look at all like the photos and drawings of ‘embryos’ which I have seen, nor did it look like the few embryos I have been able to observe since then, obviously because this one was alive. "When the sac was opened, the tiny human immediately lost its life and took on the appearance of what is accepted as the appearance of an embryo at this stage (blunt extremities, etc.)." P.E. Rockwell, M.D., Director of Anesthesiology, Leonard Hospital, Troy, New York, U.S. Supreme Court., Markle vs. Abele, 72-56, 72-730, p. 11, 1972

Even Planned Parenthood officials will admit, when pushed, that the unborn child is a baby.

"It's not a frog or a ferret that's being killed. It's a baby," with "I am fully aware of that. I am fully aware of that." (Donahue Transcript # 3288, 1991)former director of planned parenthood-Faye Wattleton

And abortion doctors.

"I want the general public to know what the doctors know- that this is a person, this is a baby. That this is not some kind of blob of tissue." --Dr. Anthony Levantino (from the film, "Meet the Abortion Providers" )

If all of this still isn’t convincing enough, consider this; surgery performed on unborn babies is being done more and more all of the time, and people have been prosecuted for killing unborn children by harming the pregnant woman. Why is killing an unborn child murder or manslaughter when the woman wants the child, but ‘interrupting the pregnancy’ when she doesn’t?

What about another aspect? Is abortion really safe now that it is legal? There are many dangers inherent to the abortion procedures. Sterility is one danger. It can be caused by infection, a real risk in any surgical procedure, but even more so with many abortion procedures. If the tiniest piece of fetal tissue or placenta are left in the uterus a serious infection can result, many times leading to a complete hysterectomy, and sometimes even death. Hemorrhage is also a very real danger. If the abortion provider is not careful, he or she can cause damage that can result in the need for a blood transfusion, if not the death of the woman from blood loss. There is also the threat of future miscarriage. Most abortion procedures require the forceful dilation of the cervix. This can damage the cervix, making it unable to do it’s job in holding the uterus closed, keeping infection out and the baby in. I mentioned “if the abortion provider is not careful” earlier. I know that there are abortion providers who truly do care about the women, and who are careful to do the abortion properly and safely, however, there are those who do not.

"Remember, there is a human being at the other end of the table taking that kid apart. We've had a couple of guys drinking too much, taking drugs, even a suicide or two." --Dr. Julius Butler, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Minnesota Medical School

Drinking and taking drugs; after a certain point these are not activities that people can control. Does that mean that some abortion providers are drunk or high while they are performing abortions? That in itself is a danger to the women undergoing abortions.

There are also emotional and mental complications. Post Abortion Syndrome is a very real condition. Women feel guilt, low self esteem, and depression after abortions. This is often a delayed reaction, brought on by events like subsequent pregnancies, the anniversary of the abortion, or the due date of the child that was aborted. Suicide, brought on by guilt and depression, is also a very real risk:

"The suicide rate after an abortion was three times the general suicide rate and six times that associated with birth.... the rate for women following a live birth was 5.9 per 100,000; following miscarriage 18.1; following abortion 34.7....." M. Gissler, Abortion/Suicide Link,Br. Med. J., Dec. 6, 1996

Another possible emotional complication is sexual dysfunction.

“Thirty to fifty percent of aborted women report experiencing sexual dysfunction, of both short and long duration, beginning immediately after their abortions.These problems may include one or more of the following: loss of pleasure from intercourse, increased pain, an aversion to sex and/or males in general, or the development of a promiscuous life-style.” THE AFTEREFFECTS OF ABORTION - Elliot Institute, David C. Reardon , text from a brochure

The emotional effects of abortion can also lead to child abuse.

“Experts agree that during the past 25 years the rate of child abuse has increased dramatically. Between 1976 and 1987 alone, there was a 330% increase in reported cases of child abuse. While a portion of this increase is due to better reporting, experts agree that these figures reflect a real trend toward ever higher rates of abuse. "

"These figures clearly contradict the pro-abortionists' claim that abortion of "unwanted children" prevents child abuse. Ignoring the obvious illogic of this argument--which suggests that killing children is better than beating them--there is not a single scientific study that supports this theory. Instead, there is a clear statistical association between increased rates of abortion and increased rates of child abuse. Indeed, statistical and clinical research support not only an association, but a causal connection between abortion and subsequent child abuse.”Abortion Trauma and Child Abuse Theresa Karminski Burke and David C. Reardon

"The reasons for child abuse are complex, and can't be fully dealt with here. But clearly, if abortion contributes to feelings of depression, self-hatred, anxiety and anger among mothers and fathers, not to mention patterns of substance abuse, their children will pay a price." Abortion Trauma and Child Abuse Theresa Karminski Burke and David C. Reardon

There are so many risks involved with abortion, and so many infertile couples who would love to adopt a child, why is abortion so prevalent in our society? I fully believe that if everyone was fully aware of all of the facts and risks, abortion would be a lot less prevalent, and probable illegal.

This article copyright © 1999 by Cheri Jackson and may not be reproduced in any form without the express written consent of its author. All rights reserved.