By Sara McPeak
Rightgrrl Feature Writer
August 1, 1998
In a recent interview on CNN, Al Gore was questioned about his
optimistic feelings toward the Russian recovery from its financial
crisis. "I want to encourage them (Russia) and put an optimistic face on
it," Gore explained. "But I think that's justified, really." When asked,
however, why he felt his optimism was justified, Gore had no
substantive explanation, giving instead what I like to call a typical
"They just -- they just reached an agreement with the International
Monetary Fund. They just put in place a whole series of new reforms
that are going to open up this economy and create more jobs. And,
incidentally, that will mean they buy more of our exports, and it will
create more jobs in the Unites States, too."
Has Gore been possessed by the spirit of Pollyanna? His radical optimism
is clearly inconsistent with the facts and promotes a false impression
of Russia's economy and the future economic benefits that the U.S.
economy can expect from trade with Russia.
In the wake of Russia's 6-month-old market slide, and in response to
Russia's promise of reforms, the $22 billion dollar bailout which Gore
applauds is seen by many as sending good money after bad. According to
the July 11 issue of The Economist:
". . . the Fund, which is cash-strapped itself, has already provided
Russia with generous loans (more than $9 billion over three years) whose
conditions, as things stand, are periodically flouted. Over the past
few years, Russian governments have solemnly promised to enact rafts of
economic reforms - especially in the field of taxation - but have failed
to deliver. Why should this one behave differently? . . . The entire
economic system in Russia is so crooked and leaky that there is no
knowing where the money will go."
The Clinton administration is perhaps too optimistic that this influx of
dollars will suddenly and simultaneously correct currency devaluation,
political unrest and unscrupulous legal and trade systems. Mr. Gore sees
the International Monetary Fund agreement as a cure to the economic woes
of Russia, and in so doing he is totally ignoring the fact that this was
recently tried and it failed.
Mr. Gore next alludes (and not for the first time) to the imminence of
reforms in Russia; but according to Steve Forbes, in his August 10
editorial, argues that "The Kremlin shows no sign of real reform, such
as simplifying the tax code, establishing the rule of law in commercial
transactions and allowing a genuinely open market for buying and selling
land." Gore states as a consequence of these illusive reforms that the
Russian economy will surge, thereby increasing purchase of U.S. exports
and creating more U.S. jobs. However, as Robert Reich, the Clinton
administration's liberal economic ally, has said, U.S. corporations are
edging ever closer to globalism and are changing their national
allegiance to one of international scope. As a consequence, the
increased exports mentioned by Gore from U.S. companies to Russia may
indeed be actually manufactured in Russia or in many other third world
countries, creating new jobs in Russia or other countries at the expense
of new jobs in the U.S. Mr. Gore's syllogism, based on a vestigial image
of U.S. corporations, perceives a totally incorrect conclusion in the
modern global economy. In fact, in Mr. Gore's example it would be more
likely that U.S. jobs would be lost.
More apt would be an overly pessimistic point of view in discussing the
Russian economic situation. For instance, Russian national and global
space endeavors are devastated due to a monetary void. According to CNN,
a Russian experiment to launch a space mirror (a plan called Znamya
[Banner] 2.5) to "reflect sunlight onto some northern parts of Russia
during the long nights . . . has been thwarted by the lack of funds,
(Russian) space officials said . . . 'We are struggling to raise funds
to send regular supplies to the (Mir) station, let alone the Znamya,'
Gorbunov said." CNN has also reported that, "Yuri Semyonov, head of the
state-run RKK Energiya corporation that built Mir and has been running
it since it was put in orbit in 1986, has said Russia might be forced to
discard the station as early as this fall because of the space
industry's desperate cash shortage."
Our own congress is very concerned over Russia's inability to come up
with its financial share of the International Space Station, and is even
more concerned, according to the June 27 issue of the Congressional
Quarterly Week Report, that "NASA has generally paid for Russian
financing delays in the past." Our congress and certainly each and every
one of us would argue that we are not able, much less willing, to
subsidize Russia's space endeavors!
Gore's above-quoted statement to CNN regarding Russia's economy seems to
embody the Clinton administration's misunderstanding and incorrect
assessment of the economy of a foreign nation. Such a misunderstanding
has far-reaching importance in a global economy where international
interdependence and alliance is crucial.
In the new millennium, our perception of the American economy will be
constantly changing as will our perception of our economic institutions.
And as the global economy further evolves, so too is a global check and
balance structure. These changes must be interpreted accurately by our
government, and with a true commitment to our national interests.
Analysts and strategists will constantly devise innovative economic
suggestions. Our leaders must then be competent enough to determine
which actions to implement and which to discard. The occupants of the
White House must not be glued to the economic principals of the 20th
century. What's more, they must realize that the populace, both global
and national, is able to discern fact from hopeful optimism.
This article copyright © 1998 by Sara McPeak, and may
not be reproduced in any form without the express written consent of its
author. All rights reserved.