Uh oh! We Made Someone Mad!
By Carolyn Gargaro
Rightgrrl Co-Founder
February 15, 1999
A little background:
There is a link to Rightgrrl on the Cybergrrlz web page. The editor of
the site is a bright and witty - liberal! You should see us in the
newsgroup alt.politics.rightgrrl - Stephanie and I are always arguing
politics with her! :-)
She, however, appreciated the Rightgrrl site, even with her differing
political view, and added Rightgrrl's link. We gladly returned the
One of the Cybergrrlz readers though, didn't seem to have the same
appreciation for Rightgrrl, and submitted her thoughts to the Cybergrrlz Hit Me section.
Following is my response. (I placed the original article in
Will Hustler Be Next?
By Guess_Who
My first reaction was to say, "screw CyberGrrlz, there are so many
other sites that I can participate in!" But after a while I calmed down
and I'm still coming here,
I'm glad that "Guess_Who" calmed down and did not choose to leave
Cybergrrlz simply because the editor is open-minded and links to a site
that "Guess_Who" does not like.
but I have to say I'm still pissed off. I'm
referring to the link in the Links & Awards page to a site called
RightGirl. I don't know how long that link has been there, but I just
stumbled upon it and decided to take a gander. If you're looking for
well-designed and pretty colors and that kinda crap, yeah visit it.
Thanks for the layout compliment.
But the best reason to visit it is if you're looking for articles that
are narrow-minded, stupid, and insulting to anybody with an IQ over 50.
Well, I'm sorry she doesn't feel our articles are well-written. The
"insulting to anybody with an IQ over 50" is a rather surprising comment
though. Since the founders of Rightgrrl have been asked to appear on MSNBC as well as various radio talk shows, and many of the
Rightgrrls have
had their works published in newspapers and magazines, (in fact, one of
our featured Rightgrrls is a columnist for the Seattle Times) I have to
wonder if "Guess_Who" is implying that the people in the mainstream media
all have IQ's under 50?
This is a site that celebrates Linda Tripp.
Rightgrrl "celebrates" justice, fairness, and the law, and when we saw
someone who we believe is being vilified for refusing to break the law, we
decided to speak out. I gather that "Guess_Who" wouldn't be interested in
placing a "Support Linda Tripp" icon on her web page...
I mean, if anything demonstrates how blind people can get, this is it.
That pile of vomit
Pile of vomit? This is amazing! I thought only "mean conservatives"
called people names.
(Tripp) is supported simply because she caused Clinton's troubles.
Untrue. Anyone who takes more than 30 seconds to read the Linda Tripp site
will know exactly why we are supporting her.
In every respect this woman's actions were despicable and illegal.
While 40 states do allow the taping of phone conversations, it is true
that Maryland is one of the few which does not allow such taping. However,
if one is not aware of the law when the taping occurs, then usually the
person is not considered guilty of the crime. Usually ignorance of a law
is not a defense, however, the Maryland phone taping law is an exception
to this rule. (I have verified this with lawyers) As it is, there is an
investigation going on right now regarding the taping. However, this does
not negate the fact that Linda Tripp was being told that she MUST lie
under oath, and that she was protecting herself. We also have to wonder
how much "Guess_Who" knows about the case. Judging from her knee-jerk
reaction to the Rightgrrl web site, I gather she might have had the same
knee-jerk, "let's jump on the Tripp hating bandwagon" reaction to Linda
Tripp. I wonder if she knows that Linda Tripp was being told that she must
lie under oath about Kathleen Wiley? I wonder what "Guess_Who" would do if
she was asked to lie under oath? I wonder if she would try and tell people
about what she knew without evidence, when she had already been pegged as
a liar by Clinton's lawyer? I wonder what "Guess_Who" thinks about the
White House vilification of Katheleen Wiley, Linda Tripp, and any other
woman who dares to speak out? Perhaps "Guess_Who" will entertain us with
another article about Rightgrrl, and will address some of these issues.
Conservative women worry about what to tell their children about
Clinton's actions, but a better question is how will they explain their
support for that despicable woman? How can this country be in the best
shape in most everyone's lifetime, and yet Bill Clinton deserves zero
credit for it, and has zero redeeming qualities?
We never state that Clinton deserves zero credit. After all, he has worked
with the Republican congress and has done a pretty good job of adopting
many of their ideas.
Yet, according to those women that's the case. Further, they
think Democrats are all useless, and all liberals are the anti-Christ.
Now this is rather funny, especially since some of our supporters are
liberals who happen to agree with us on certain issues, such as our
pro-life stance. I can't seem to locate the reference to the "anti-Christ"
on the site either. But perhaps "Guess_Who" just becomes overly
annoyed at anyone who doesn't agree with her, and she begins to hallucinate and see
these words on our site?
All I can say is those women are paranoid. Wait till Gore becomes
Or Elizabeth Dole :-)
and the Democrats take over the House. Then they're gonna
freak out. In many ways, I hope you girls go visit that "out-house" of a
website so you can see conservatism for what it is -- a narrow-minded,
selfish, arrogant collection of ideas, most of them as flawed as
Wow! That was certainly a sentence jam-packed with adjectives. Yet, I
don't see a wealth of opinions that are substantiated by facts.
Yet, somebody saw fit to link to it.
Yes - somebody did. Somebody who doesn't agree with our politics, (just
check out our newsgroup, alt.politics.rightgrrl, for the lively debate!)
but who respects our differing opinions.
What's next Jennifer, a link to Hustler magazine's website?
So now Rightgrrl is similar to pornography? I gather that "Guess-Who"
isn't a Larry Flynt fan? I wonder if she appreciated our articles about
Larry Flynt's recent actions? :-)
This article copyright
© 1999 by Carolyn Gargaro and may
not be reproduced in any form without the express written consent of its
author. All rights reserved.