08/20/01 - Karen appeared on the 5:30pm Cinti News, Channel 9. The broadcast is
available in streaming video (Karen's spot is about 20% into the program)
08/19/01 - The Hallmark Channel "True North" - Business "Expense"?
04/16/01 - O Reilly factor Fox News Channel 6:30pm
04/03/01 - A Pharmacist's Dilemma - CBS News
03/28/01 - Pharmacist discusses anti-abortion issues, concerns - Indiana Daily Student
03/27/01 - Pharmacist speaks about ethical dilemma that led to firing, legislation - Herald-Times
02/22/01 - Kentucky Debates 'Conscience' Bill
for Anti-Abortion Pharmacists - Fox News
01/26/01 - Court Rules Pharmacist May Object to Abortion Pill - CNSNews.com
01/25/01 - 'Freedom of Conscience' applies in fired druggist's suit, judge says - Cinti Enquirer
01/21/01 and 01/22/01 CBS local News (WKRC, channel 12) in Cincinnati - KY's
Pharmacist conscience clause
01/22/01 - Cedarville Ohio, radio station WCDR FM 90.3 Mon 1/22 at 5:00 pm, with Chad Bresson, in an interview about
RU- 486 (Mifepristone).
08/24/99 - New drugs create ethical dilemma - Can pharmacists refuse to sell? - The Cincinnati
08/21/99 - Karen appeared on the American Life League's radio broadcast.
08/19/99 - Karen gave a live interview on Wisconsin
Public Radio with Tom Clark from 8 til 9 a.m. EDT, regarding the lawsuit against Kmart.
She was on again between 3 and 4 p.m. EDT inWLKK in Erie Pa, with Jeffrey Johns
08/13/99 - Refusal to sell abortion pill meant firing, suit says The Cincinnati Enquirer
08/13/99 - Pharmacist sues over abortion pill Cincinnati Post
08/13/99 - Fired pharmacist takes Kmart to court - Washington Times
08/13/99 - JnJ's Ortho unit comments on Micronor - Reuters
08/12/99 - ACLJ Files Suit Against K-Mart for Firing Pharmacist Who Refused to Dispense 'Morning After
03/31/99 - Letter from Dr. Daniel A. Hussar to Mr. Robert J. Rosenthal, regarding
the 03/28/99 story in the Philadelphia Inquirer, Abortion debate spreads to pharmacy counter
03/28/99 - Abortion debate spreads to pharmacy counter Philadelphia Inquirer
01/18/98 - Abortion Fight Reaches the Drugstore Counter-The Salt Lake Tribune (Knight Ridder Wire 1/16/98)