- A Consistent Life
Ethic - Provides an overview of the CLE approach, with links to
pro-life and related sites.
- Crisis Pregnancy Centers
Online - This site provides help and information for mothers
considering abortion, who have a crisis pregnancy or
women who have had an abortion and need post-abortion counseling or
assistance. CPCs Online maintains a comprehensive listing of pregnancy
care centers in each of the 50 states, the District of Columbia and Canada.
- Jews For Life - an organization created to reflect the traditional Jewish
pro-life perspective on abortion. Our fundamental purpose is to
enlighten and inform our readers about the tragic consequences
that have befallen women and our culture since Roe v. Wade was
enacted into law. Jews For Life maintains that life, both born
and unborn, is sacred and worthy of protection. Further, we
submit that the current so-called 'pro-choice' position of
mainstream liberal Jewish organizations is antithetical to the
traditional teachings of our faith.
- Indiana Students For Life - Indiana University Students for Life is IU's only pro-life group. For at
least 15 years, IU Students for Life has been standing up for the most defenseless member of
the human family---the unborn child.
- Libertarians For Life - Not all Libertarians are pro-abortion-choice!
- LifeNews.com
- A Paean to Eugenics - A well-written article by Mary Wilt which discusses "pregnancy interruption" web sites.
- Pro-life Alliance of Gays and Lesbians
- Remember Mother Teresa - Rightgrrl co-founder Carolyn's page dedicated to one of the
world's greatest humanitarians.
- Rock for Life - Pro-life rock groups!
- Thoughts from a pro-life atheist
and Agnostic Pro-Life League - A nontheistic and nonreligious
opposition to the life-denying horror of abortion
violence negates pro-life goals - against all forms of "abortion
clinic violence" Abortion
isn't life, liberty or happiness - abortion betrays ideals of the
Declaration of Independence Abortion
cartoon was ironic - against abortion clinic violence both within and
- Drudge Report - This site
is a MUST SEE! If you want the inside scoop on politics, this is the place
to go!
- The FreeCitizen -
FreeCitizen Publications is a weekly electronic opinion publication
focused on the political and social issues of the day, bringing
reasonable and rational conservative values to the world via the web
- Jewish World Review
- The Old Republic - A
conservative webzine focused on big-picture conservative ideas, not the
latest scandal.
- Political Insider - Daily
political briefings
- SpinTech - An E-zine dedicated to advocation the allowance the individual freedom in
all spheres of life.
- The Voice of
a Few Americans - A Weekly Conservative Magazine featuring Opinion, Wisdom & Wit
- Women Today Magazine -
Women have access to weekly information in this internet magazine.
Here, they can find information about issues that affect their everyday
lives: health, self-esteem, love, sex, spirituality, money, career,
fitness, home, children, depression and more. There is also an opportunity
for women to receive online professional counselling and a monthly e-mail
- Women Today Online - monthly
Internet magazine for Christian women.
Articles on discipleship, tips on witnessing and improving your prayer
life - women sharing information which has helped them to grow spiritually
and evangelically. Today you can be encouraged, re-charged and challenged!
- World Net Daily - News and
commentary on impeachment and politics
inclusive vision of gender equality
- Critiques of
Feminism - This site contains numerous essays debunking feminist
authors and oft-repeated feminist myths as well as links and other
resources for anyone interested in looking into the claims made by
feminists or their opponents.
- Feminism and Nonviolence Studies -
The Feminism and Nonviolence Studies Association has been dedicated to
publishing an academic, interdisciplinary journal which explores the long
but vital tradition of prolife feminism and related life and death issues. Initially a print
journal called Studies in Prolife Feminism, in 1997 the journal changed to an online format and was renamed
Feminism and Nonviolence Studies.
- Lies & Deceptions of Gender
Feminists A very comprehensive site created by an equity feminist who
is tired of gender feminists blaming all of society's problems on men.
- Mondo Feminism -
True stories of strange beliefs of feminism and gender politics
- Neil Boortz
- Jack Cashill - Conservative Talk Radio from the Heartland
- Sean Hannity - a Conservative TV
and Radio host on 77 WABC NewsTalk Radio found on 770 AM
(3-6PM EST.) and on the Hannity and Colmes television show on
the Fox News Network (9-10PM EST.)
- Conceived in Liberty - with Jerry
Hughes - Home page of conservative talk radio personality Jerry
Hughes. Both Stephanie and Carolyn have appeared on his radio show.
- Just a Lot of Talk - list of radio talk shows
- Indpendent Women's Forum - The
Independent Women's Forum provides a voice for American women who believe
in individual freedom and personal responsibility. They have made that
voice heard in the U.S. Supreme Court, among decision makers in
Washington, and across America's airwaves.
- Susan B. Anthony List - A
political Action Committee For Pro-life Women. (yes - Susan B. Anthony was
pro-life, as were many of the early feminists)
- Feminists For Life -
This organization was founded in 1972 by two women who
were expelled from NOW because of their pro-life views. Feminists for
Life carry on the feminist tradition of working for a society in which
women can choose reproductive alternatives that are truly life-affirming
for themselves and their children.
- Feminists for Life of New York
- National Federation of Republican
- Founded in 1938 to provide Republican women the opportunity for
political education and involvement and to increase the
effectiveness of women in the cause of good government.