![]() August 23, 2001 Karen Brauer appeared on WCKY 550 am, Cincinnati, Jerry and Craig at 7:00 am EDT to disucss Planned Parenthood's attempt to stop Karen's lawsuit against Kmart. August 22, 2001 Karen Brauer appeared on WLW 700am, Cincinnati, Mike McConnell at 9:00 am EDT to disucss Planned Parenthood's attempt to stop Karen's lawsuit against Kmart. August 20, 2001 Karen Brauer appeared on the 5:30pm Cinti News, Channel 9. The broadcast is available in streaming video (Karen's spot is about 20% into the program) August 16, 2001 Rightgrrl contributor Alicia Colon appeared on the Fox Report on the Fox News Channel with her opinion on the Andrea Yates case. 2001 Rightgrrl Karen Brauer has been all over the media! We even have a section dedicated to her involvement in the Pharmacist's Conscience Clause Issue September 2000 Carolyn was on KIXL radio on Tues. Sept. 12 from midnight to 1am (EDT). March 2000 Stephanie drove to New Jersey to tape a documentary segment with Carolyn. The film, written and produced by Andrew McCauley, will portray Margaret Sanger's eugenicist background. We'll provide more information once the film is complete. August 21, 1999 Karen Brauer appeared on the American Life League's radio broadcast. August 19, 1999 Karen Brauer gave a live interview on Wisconsin Public Radio with Tom Clark from 8 til 9 a.m. EDT, regarding the lawsuit against Kmart. She was on again between 3 and 4 p.m. EDT inWLKK in Erie Pa, with Jeffrey Johns ! August 5, 1999 Carolyn gave a brief interview on 8/05/99 at 3:35pm EDT (2:35pm central time) on KTSA Radio in San Antonio. regarding her article, "Bill Clinton - Victim of Women." The show was available live at KTSA's web page. August 2, 1999 Carolyn gave a brief interview on Tucson's Newsradio790 KNST regarding Linda Tripp's indictment. April 21, 1999 Carolyn was a guest on Jerry Hughes' radio show again! We now have the entire show available in Real Audio! Listen to the Real Audio file now! You can download the Real Audio file here. If the file tries to load into your RealPlayer when you click on the link above, right click and choose the proper save command. March 23, 1999 Stephanie was a guest on Catholic Family Radio's Daybreak USA! Sorry - no audio available for this one! This show doesn't yet broadcast online, but is carried in the following markets: Los Angeles/AM 830 KPLS, Chicago/AM 930 WAUR, Philadelphia/AM 1590 WPWA, Minneapolis/AM 1280 WWTC, Denver/AM 1340 KKYD. December 28, 1998 Carolyn was a guest on Jerry Hughes' radio show on December 28, 1998 at 4pm EST. We now have the entire show available in Real Audio! Listen to the Real Audio file now! You can download the Real Audio file here. If the file tries to load into your RealPlayer when you click on the link above, right click and choose the proper save command. September 28, 1998 Both Stephanie and Carolyn were guests on Jerry Hughes' radio show on September 28, 1998 at 4pm EDT. We now have the entire show available in Real Audio. Listen to the Real Audio file now! You can also download the Real Audio file here. If the file tries to load into your RealPlayer when you click on the link above, right click and choose the proper save command. September 23, 1998 Rightgrrl co-founder Carolyn Gargaro appeared on a panel on MSNBC on September 23 from 12-2pm EDT (in between press conferences) The segment focused on women's opinions of Monica Lewinsky, Linda Tripp, and related events. You can view streaming video clips here! September 16, 1998 Rightgrrl co-founder Carolyn Gargaro appeared on a panel on MSNBC on September 16 from 1-2pm EDT. The segment focused on women's opinions on Monica Lewinsky and her role in the Clinton scandal. You can view streaming video clips here! September 15, 1998 Rightgrrl co-founder Stephanie Herman appeared on the Weissbach show on KVI in Seattle on September 15. The segment focused on Starr's Referral and the White House's Preliminary Memorandum response. August 1998 Listen to Carolyn's interview with Jim Ballard of American Entertainment Network! (no longer available) August 17, 1998 Both Carolyn and Stephanie appeared on Stephanie Birmingham's talk radio show on WGOW-FM. We FINALLY have part of the transcript from the show available!!
June 23, 1998 Rightgrrl co-founder Carolyn Gargaro appeared on a panel on MSNBC on September 23 from 12-1pm EDT. The topic was the impact of the "Internet media" on the dissemination of information regarding Ken Starr's Clinton investigation You can view streaming video clips and photos here! |